Monday, November 26, 2007

Scoop Away the Blood

This is probably the scariest presentation of cat litter I could find on short notice.


That's what mom named the cat.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Green Stripes

We did not choose this material when we reupholstered the couch we found in the alley.

Inspired By Machine Guns

The exhaust pipes on my 1973 Honda CL450 are clearly design inspired by the muzzle holes on the M2 .50 caliber machine gun, which in 1973, was being used for the first time in history to kill Vietnamese people on a regular basis every night on the evening news.

Function Dictates Form

A loft style bed I built for Jenn when she lived in a studio apartment we referred to as "The Oven". Never before had I realized so profoundly the importance of cross ventilation.